Tokenomics and token allocations

Contract addresses:

$JUNI: 0x95Aa33319698CF67C7AB33bb23A65E9d38397187

Gold ticket: 0x81B42D0fD4E5bD18cDBEc23A854BDC4d841d5Cf3


Buy Tax : 4% | Sell Tax : 4%

Marketing: 1%

Team: 1%

Gold Jackpot: 2%

Token allocations (total supply is 10 Million $JUNI)

20% into the liquidity pool

40% to presale buyers

15% to V1 holders

5% to advisors

15% for CEX / DEX Listing / Events

5% for Staking

Presale raise allocations

Due to the Fairlaunch on Pinksale not having a hardcap, the following values are expressed in % of raised BNB:

51% into the liquidity pool

24% into marketing

20% into the starting jackpot

5% is paid to Pinksale for providing the launchpad

(Discontinued) Bronze ticket: 0x661c889f4Bc6B6f6F19Ef6eA6bcd53949616456C

(Discontinued) Silver ticket: 0xbEF5f22F634A3b5d2aFDC13025cAc37a9DAC677C

Last updated